All about obesity surgery,sleeve gastrectomy,gastric bypass. Meet our weight loss surgery Malta Team.
All about obesity surgery,sleeve gastrectomy,gastric bypass. Meet our weight loss surgery Malta Team.
Candidates for wight loss surgery:
Patients with body mass index between 35 kg/m2 and 40 kg/m2 plus a systemic disease like type 2 diabetes, hypertension or sleep apnea and the patients with body mass index of 40kg/m2 or more are considered as candidates for weight loss surgery.
Weight loss surgery is accepted as the most effective treatment of obesity and obesity related diseases.
Obesity level is decided by calculating the Body Mass Index. If you divide your weight (kg) by the square of your height in meters, you will find your Body Mass Index.
For example;
In order to find the body mass index of an individual with 110 kg and 1.70 m, the calculation is 110 kg / 1.70m x1.70 m, that is: 110 / 2.89 m2 = 38 kg / m2. So the Body Mass Index is 38.
From the point of view of obesity diagnosis, those with a Body Mass Index between 25-30 kg/m2 are Overweight, individuals with Body Mass Index between 30-35kg7m2 are at Stage 1 Obesity,
those with a Body Mass Index between 35-40 are at Stage 2 Obesity,
patients with a Body Mass Index of 40 and above are at Stage 3 Obesity or Morbidly Obesity level.
Patients with a body mass index over 50 are diagnosed as a Super Morbidly Obesity Patients.
In general, the patient group with a body mass index over 35 plus systemic diseases such as Sleep Apnea, Type 2 Diabetes, and Hypertension may consider obesity surgery or so called weight loss surgery if they are unable to lose weight with diet and physical exercises.
Sleeve gastrectomy procedure which is one of the weight loss surgery procedures, is defined also as gastric sleeve surgery among the public. In this surgical procedure stomach volume is reduced by 75-80%.
With this reduction in volume, stomach is much earlier fulled with lesser food. This causes a distension in the stomach wall which leads to a signal of satisfaction that is transimited to the brain by "Vagus" nerve. Another result of the gastric sleeve operation is decreased level of appetite. While reduction of the stomach volume, also the part called "Fundus" is removed. This fundic removal leads to a very low level of appetite lasting from 6 to 12 months which is very helpful in the weight loss process and new healty life style adoption period of the patient.
Obesity is a serious problem of today's modern man. Obesity is a problem that endangers the total health status of the person, causes cardiovascular or systemic diseases or shortens the life span rather than aesthetic concerns. Restriction of movement in living spaces, lack of time to spare for sports and exercise, and consumption of ready and unhealthy foods as well as stress factors are among the factors that cause obesity problem.
In the treatment of obesity problem today;
- exercise and special diet programs
- adopting new healthier feeding habits
- Stomach balloon
- Stomach botulinum toksin
- Surgical methods can be applied.
Today, obesity surgery procedures such as gastric sleeve surgery and gastric bypass are benefitted in the treatment of obese patients with a BMI rate of 40 or more or BMI of over 35 plus systemic diseases.
As a result of both technical facilities and rich scientific studies, there are many effective surgical solutions for obesity.
The procedure time in sleeve gastrectomy is approximately 50-60 minutes. This this weight loss surgery is performed under general anesthesia and by laparoscopic method. About 80% of the stomach is removed during the procedure. Gastric sleeve surgery should be performed by a team of experts and experienced in healthcare facilities. Gastric sleeve surgery; It covers a very detailed process with before and after. Gastric sleeve surgery applied by laparoscopic method is a very safe and effective obesity treatment today.
Is the whole stomach removed in Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery?
When obesity develops due to excessive food intake and low calorie consumption, the need for weight loss surgery arises when excess weight cannot be controlled by exercise and diet. Sleeve Gasrectomy surgery is one of the most common bariatric operations. Sleeve gastrectomy surgery is also known as stomach reduction surgery. For this reason, most of the stomach is removed during sleeve gastrectomy surgery. At the same time, the area called Fundus, located at the top of the stomach, is taken during this procedure. Fundus is taken because the hunger hormone called Ghrelin is secreted in this region. Ghrelin is the main hormone that determines our hunger level, that is, our hunger hormone. In Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery, it is not a matter of taking the entire stomach, in this surgery, the stomach is reduced by approximately 3/4.
Excessive food intake will be prevented since the stomach volume becomes smaller after sleeve gastrectomy. After this surgery, the person is satiated much faster with much less food. At the same time, the person will have a balanced diet because he is not hungry. Thus, after the surgery, the patient enters a rapid weight loss process, especially during the recovery period. Many patients wonder whether there will be surgical scars in the abdominal area after the operation after gastric reduction, ie sleeve gastrectomy. In gastric reduction operations performed by laparoscopic method, the incision scars are minimal in the abdominal region and these scars can heal almost invisibly over time.
Important Points Before Gastric Sleeve Surgery Important Points Before Gastric Sleeve Surgery :
There are some points that the obesity patient should pay attention to and apply during the weight loss surgery preparation stage before sleeve gastrectomy.
These can be listed as follows;
- In the days before surgery, nutrition should be light. In addition to abundant water consumption, it is also recommended to prefer watery foods. The amount of weight you can give before the surgery will facilitate the work of the surgical team and reduce the risks of the surgery, be sure to get information from your physician for the pre-operative diet.
- If you have diabetes, it is important to have your diabetes in other words your blood sugar level under control before surgery.
- Diseases such as asthma or COPD need to be controlled before surgery and to make sure that you do not have an attack.
- Smoking and alcohol should be quitted at least 1 month before the operation.
- It will make your job easier after you have been informed about the lung exercise methods we will use after the surgery.
- Patients using blood thinners may need to change their medication or take a break under the doctor's supervision, please provide detailed information to your doctor about all the medications you use.
- It is highly recommended to have all tests performed for covid infection before surgery to prevent an extra risk due to the current Covid pandemic.
- You will have some pain after the operation and this pain will decrease or disappear significantly on the second day. What is expected from you is that you move and walk in the early hours after surgery. Early mobilization eliminates many surgery risks. You should definitely get information from your doctor about the pain of surgery and the importance of early mobilization.
- The fact that every question you have in mind is answered before the surgery will speed up the postoperative recovery and reduce your anxiety level. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor!
Sleeve gastrectomy procedure which is one of the weight loss surgery procedures, is defined also as gastric sleeve surgery among the public. In this surgical procedure stomach volume is reduced by 75-80%.
With this reduction in volume, stomach is much earlier fulled with lesser food.
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